
  • Reference to gender or women:
    No reference to gender or women.
  • Context for the reference:
    No reference to gender or women.

  • The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
    No reference on women positioned as beneficiaries.


  • The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
    No mention.
  • The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:
    Yes, The prioritization of adaptation measures will be done by the sectors or stakeholders participating in the development and implementation of NAPs and SAPs.


  • The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:

    YES, Indicates that a robust national MRV system will be put in place in the period of 2016-2017.

    On adaptation, the NDC proposes a 3-tier M&E process at Macro, meso and micro levels with participation of NGOs.


  • Reference to gender or women:

    Yes. Gender sensitivity is given prominence throughout the document, e,g the need to mainstream gender into national/ sectorial policies.

  • Context for the reference:

    Yes, Gender mentioned as a crosscutting issue. Also mentioned under mitigation (transport, water and intersectotial priorities).

  • The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
    Yes, Under Gender-responsive climate action and access to finance, the NDC commits to integrate gender-responsive budgeting into national and sub-national climate financing.


  • The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
    No mention.
  • The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:
    YES., There was an extensive consultation process with a wide representation of stakeholders across sectors and levels of governance, in particular, CPAs, LPAs, private sector, civil society, academia and women associations representatives.


  • The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:
    YES, Moldova has aligned the functionality of climate change adaptation M&E System to national planning cycles and commits to measure and monitor the outcomes and impacts of adaptation activities, investments, programmes on women and men’s resilience to climate change from a gender-responsive perspective.


Overall rating:

2015 NDC

2020 NDC

Analysis draws from WEDO’s

Gender Climate Tracker NDC

review framework. Visit