- Reference to gender or women:
No direct referencing to women or gender. Context for the reference:
No reference to gender or women.
The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
No reference on women positioned as beneficiaries, however, gender seems to is mentioned as a cross cutting theme in the NDC.
- The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
No mention.
The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:
Yes, The document mentions that the development of this INDC was achieved through a participatory and transparent process through stakeholder consultations and workshops.
- The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:Yes, The Republic of Rwanda through the Ministry of Natural Resources hold the responsibility to monitor and evaluate the implementation of INDCs through regular statutory stakeholders' consultative engagement including the Environment and Natural Resources Joint Sector Review (JSR) meetings.
- Reference to gender or women:
Yes, there is referencing of women or gender.
Context for the reference:
Yes, Gender is mentioned in three areas namely;
On Methodology
To influence effective mainstreaming of climate adaptation in sector priorities, and consequently in a strategic way for national uptake including at the NST and therefore policy levels, clear adaptation metrics including indicators and targets were generated and agreed upon as measures to guide the collection of gender disaggregated data.
gender mainstreaming that is central to Rwanda’s sustainable development process.
Data and information management
Gender mainstreaming is a priority at all levels of policy and implementation and the NDC MRV will ensure gender disaggregated data is captured and reported as well as engage private sector in the support for national NDC MRV processes.
Capacity building:
Promote and encourage the mainstreaming of gender considerations in climate change issues.
The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
Gender mainstreaming is a priority at all levels of policy and implementation, but women are not explicitly positioned as agents of change.
- The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
No, However, The NDC sheds light on the different sources of financing for the adaptation and mitigation measures but does not categorically integrate gender issues in budgeting.
The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:
Yes, The document mentions that the development of this INDC was achieved through a participatory and transparent process through stakeholder consultations and workshops.
- The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:
Yes, it has a monitoring framework which will help in tracking the progress of the adaptation and mitigation measures outlined in the NDC.
Yes, very detailed description of measures, budget and goals.
Overall rating:
2015 NDC
2020 NDC
Analysis draws from WEDO’s
Gender Climate Tracker NDC
review framework. Visit