- Reference to gender or women:
Yes, Mentioned Women but once in the document.
Context for the reference:
No reference to gender or women.
The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
No reference on women positioned as beneficiaries.
- The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
No mention.
The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:
Yes, The EINDC was developed through an inclusive and participatory process, though this is not elaborated further.
- The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:
Yes, The Ministry of Environment and Forest (MEF) will regularly organize consultative dialogues to review the implementation of the national and sectoral adaptation plans. - Implementation:
Yes, At 1.8 tCO2e, Ethiopia’s per capita GHG emissions are insignificant compared to total global emissions. If Ethiopia’s contribution is fully implemented, it would reduce per capita emissions to 1.1 tCO2e by 2030. - Reference to Any National Policy document:
- The National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) since 2007
- The Ethiopian Programme of Adaptation to Climate Change (EPACC 2011);
- Reference to gender or women:
No reference to gender or Women.
Context for the reference:
No reference to gender or women.
The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
No reference on women positioned as beneficiaries.
- The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
No mention.
The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:
No mention.
- The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:
Yes, the NDC, MRV and M&E Framework is fully integrated with the 10 year Development Plan target and indicators for each sector. - Implementation:
No Ethiopia is Committing to reduced economy-wide GHG Emissions by 220.59MtCO2 Eq by 2030 as compared to the 2010 BAU scenario. However, their Long term ambition of realizing carbon-neutral economy will be communicated soon. Ehtiopia’s revised BAU Emissions in 2030 will be 412.1Mt CO2 eq. This represents an increment of 12.1Mt CO2Eq over the BAU baseline projections in 2030 presented in the 1st NDC. The emissions in the base year 2010 are about 112 Mt CO2 eq lower in the first NDC
Analysis draws from WEDO’s
Gender Climate Tracker NDC
review framework. Visit
Overall rating:
2015 NDC
2020 NDC