
  • Reference to gender or women:
    Yes. Gender and women are referenced in the NDC document.
  • Context for the reference:
    Yes, Women are considered important decision makers especially in energy consumption. They are also mentioned as target subjects for capacity building and participation at subnational and national climate planning processes, Women are also mentioned as key implementers who will ensure that climate change impacts are not exacerbated.

  • The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
    Yes, Women are positioned as agents of change due to the NDC stating that they can ensure that climate change impacts are not exacerbated. Two, women are position as key stakeholders, especially in making decisions regarding energy consumption. Three, women are categorized as beneficiaries of adaptation projects as evidenced in the NDC’s Annex I on adaptation and lastly, they are categorized as a vulnerable group.


  • The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
    No, This is not clear. Although, there are particular adaptation actions that warrant financial support and these sectors mention women as key  beneficiaries.
  • The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:
    Yes, The INDC states that multiple stakeholders were consulted through workshops and consultations at  a national level.


  • The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:
    NO MRV System in Place.

  • Implementation:
    Yes, The NDC sets a target of GHG emissions and short-lived Climate pollutants  (below BAU) by 25% by 2030.

  • Reference to Any National Policy document:
    - National strategy on Climate Change 10-20-40 years. 2013
    - General law on Climate Change (2012)
    - Special program on Climate Change (2014-2018)
    - Carbon tax.2014 
    - National Emissions and Emissions Reductions Registry. 2014 
    - Energy reform (laws and regulations). 2014 
    - Ongoing process for new set of standards and regulations


  • Reference to g­­ender or women:
    Yes, gender and women are mentioned in the document.
  • Context for the reference:
    Yes, The gender reference is cross-cutting.

  • The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
    Yes, Women are positioned as a vulnerable group in the NDC. The NDC mentions the restriction of women’s access to means of production such as land, financing, training, education and information.


  • The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
    No, This is unclear. However, throughout the document, importance has been placed on gender considerations in the implementation of the NDC.
  • The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:
    Yes, It is evident that there was extensive participation during the review and update of the NDC. There is mention of government, social organizations and private sector being involved. Gender aspects were also considered during public participation. Online consultation procedures were also conducted.


  • The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:
    Yes, The NDC mentions the consolidation of M&E mechanisms to enhance the System for Information on Advances in Transparency(SIAT) of the NDC.

  • Implementation:
    Yes, Mexico has set a new emissions reduction target of 22% in a BAU scenario by 2030.In tandem, it further aims to reduce 51% of black carbon emissions. Additionally, as a conditional contribution, Mexico could increase its reductions up to 36% for GHG and 70% for black carbon.

  • Reference to Any National Policy document:

    - General law on Climate Change (Reviewed in 2018 to include PA provisions)
    - Special Climate Change Program (2020-2024)
    - National Development Plan (2018-2024)
    - National Climate Change Strategy Vision


Overall rating:

2015 NDC

2020 NDC

Analysis draws from WEDO’s

Gender Climate Tracker NDC

review framework. Visit