
  • Reference to gender or women:
    No reference to gender.
  • Context for the reference:
    No reference to gender.

  • The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
    No reference to gender.


  • The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
    No reference to gender.
  • The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:
    No information.


  • The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:
    No substantive information on follow-up and monitoring.


  • Reference to gender or women:
    Various references to gender and women's roles.
  • Context for the reference:
    Gender specifically mentioned in adaptation in health and livelihood adaptation context.

  • The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
    Gender roles not specifically elaborated.


  • The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
    No reference to gender.
  • The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:

    Participation process broadly described, but no explicit role for civil society mentioned.


  • The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:

    Detailed description of implementation mechanism incl.specific for mitigation and adaptation.

Lao People's

Democratic Republic 

Overall rating:

2015 NDC

2020 NDC

Analysis draws from WEDO’s

Gender Climate Tracker NDC

review framework. Visit