

  • Reference to gender or women:
    Clear reference to gender.
  • Context for the reference:
     NDC is a means to communicate opportunities for transforming our world with gender-responsive sustainable development options.

  • The ways in which women are positioned in the NDC:
    women and other groups recognised through indispensable  value  of  inclusion  and collaborative participation  of  local governments in implementing climate actions.


  • The existence of gender-responsive budgeting in the NDC:
    No specifics on budgeting.
  • The existence of a participatory planning process for the NDC:

    Whole-of-government-and-society approach, the  Philippines’ NDC upholds the importance of meaningful participation of women, children, youth, persons with diverse sexual orientation and gender identity, differently abled, indigenous peoples, elderly, local  communities, civil society, faith-based organizations, and the private sector.


  • The existence of a mechanism or process for monitoring or implementing the NDC:
    Commitment to engage all stakeholders in monitoring, but no details on the process.

Overall rating:

2015 NDC

2020 NDC

Analysis draws from WEDO’s

Gender Climate Tracker NDC

review framework. Visit 
